What have I done? Well according to the numbers not too much. I like to look at the quality side of things as well and when approached this way, October was a full success.
Here are the those raw numbers people seem to enjoy... tidy as they are.
Monthly Mileage: 152
Year to date: 1817
Longest run Oct: 31 (race)
Shortest run: 5k (race)
This month was full of tapering and recovering it seems. Including a full 8 days off after Goblin Valley 50k I feel as if I did not run a step in October, promising a rested and full November to come.
Run of the Month: October had its share of long runs to remember. Goblin Valley 50k was great as was the 20 miles at the New River 50k as sweep... but for me running is so personal that I need to go with the final training run before GV. Lynnea had gone out for the morning at some point and I was laying in bed wondering about whether I should actually run or just grab a beer. After a short internal debate I laced up and headed out the door to get in 4-6 easy but hilly miles. I reached the turn spot and continued on. I ran further and further from home without water or gels or anything but me... I knew Lynnea would return home at some point and figured I could get in about an hour before she drove by me on the way home. This was a hitchhike run.
So I ran on and on... I reached an hour, 8+ miles and felt quite fresh. at 9+ I turned and headed back toward home thinking that Lynnea would surely be by in another 20 minutes or so... I was beginning to wonder what time she had left and also... how many groceries was she buying while in town. While these thoughts passed by so did the steps. Beyond the thistle covered donkeys, the blood thirsty, blood hounds and the countless ginormous diesels I ran the white line. 12 miles in and now I was sensing the slightest feeling of fatigue. I made a deal with myself... 3 more miles to the base of the BIG HILL and then you walk the rest, or get picked up or run over or abducted... great! 3 more miles.
So I ran on and on... I reached 15 miles, the base of the BIG HILL. There was ice on my chest from the vapor and wind and cold air combining. I stretched for a minute... stood around... waiting... losing body heat... I was cold. I moved on, kept running, though slowly at this point, just to stay warm as I loped up the mile long 14% grade. Halfway up the beast I was settled and feeling pretty normal, a little tired and hungry but confident that I would not die because of the effort. I reached the blind left turn and saw the apex of the climb! yes!!! now just the two miles back down to the house and I will have beer and beer for lunch! Happy day!
beep beep beep I hear a car horn. It is Lynnea's car horn... It is Lynnea! She arrives just as I crest the hill, exactly at the top of the beast. Some sort of Universal levity here? I wave for her to pull off and jump in the car. She has been grocery shopping and I gorge on string cheese.

The Lovely Lynnea. Who is now the reigning Goblin Valley 10k Women's Champ!
Thus was October of 2009. Last week Lynnea and I drove around SW Colorado and explored State Parks in Utah. We saw many old friends and old familiar places. We did all the tourist things we had always dismissed. We ate good food, bad food and slept in many strange, though comfortable beds! Now... we are back at work. Reunited with our pups and happy to have shared such a great time together. Lynnea did all of the hard work and I am sure saved us about 30% on the total cost of the trip. All I had to do was drive:)
Nice one! I love the hitchhike run idea. I've had runs where I could've used a ride back. :)
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your write up of that run, makes me miss running outside of town....
ReplyDelete....thistle covered donkeys, the blood thirsty, blood hounds and the countless ginormous diesels.... What could go wrong there!?
ReplyDeleteI've never done a hitch hike run before - but then again I don't trust myself to be able to flag down my wife without some sort of crazy planning.
it was probably not the BEST time to do this sort of thing since I was in taper mode already... if it took away from this race then it will just add to the next one. And, isn't it about the adventure?